Overlapping Two Steel Sheets

Steel sheet symbolizes that PT KNSS’s products are steel products intended for the automotive industry.

Overlapping of two steel sheets colored maroon represents that PT KNSS is a joint venture of two steel companies, namely Nippon Steel Corporation (Japan) symbolized by a blue-colored steel sheet and PT Krakatau Steel (Indonesia) symbolized by a red-colored steel sheet, and also represents that PT KNSS has a passion and energy to always work together with united, integrated and mutually supportive spirit in facing challenges on the way to achieve common goals.

Horizontal Lines and Letter “KNSS” Colored White

Representing a binding line of two parties aiming for working together for the interest of the Company, PT KNSS, with sincerity in cooperation.

Shadow Line Colored Grey in The Bottom of Logo

Symbolizing glorious aspiration to provide benefits for the prosperity of both nations.

Company Color
Red Reflecting the impassioned spirit to actualize the intention and creativity
Blue Reflecting leading in technology and creativity
Maroon Reflecting the spirit, energy, bravery, and confidence in facing the challenges
White Symbolizing the honesty and sincerity to devote the spirit and effort to achieve the goals
Grey Symbolizing professionalism and quality in performing innovation to achieve company excellence